ICEFaces is Becoming My Best Friend...

Last week was a greatly productive week, in my opinion. I continued developing a new internal web application for our clients (a glorified query tool for analyzing their data warehouse). I originally wrote this application using a different set of components, and I was, to put it lightly, “un-impressed” with the reliability of the suite. So I decided to re-write the application using ICEFaces. And I couldn’t be happier. ICEFaces appears to be a much more mature, reliable framework than unreliable component suite that actually cost money for a license. Read On →

Dynamically Generate ice:commandButton Components

These images are being used for the following Stack Overflow question: Dynamically generate ice:commandButton components

User and Role Permissions Generation Script for SQL Server 2005

I’ve come across many instances in the past where I have needed to duplicate permissions for a single user or role on SQL Server 2005 (usually when trying to version control permissions for a department or group of users, for example). This was a tedious task that I used to dread when I first started commanding more of the DBA responsibilities. I’ve been using a couple of scripts to help myself with these tasks, and thought I would share them. Read On →

Giving Tomcat More Memory in an Eclipse Development Environment

Sometimes when running tomcat inside eclipse there are processes that throw OutOfMemory errors (creating an extremely large Excel file, for instance) that are not thrown on our production servers. By default, Eclipse runs tomcat with 64MB of maximum memory, even if you set up Eclipse to use more memory by editing the eclipse.ini file (I have mine set to 1024, and tomcat still runs at 64MB). Eclipse makes it really easy to pass command line arguments to your Tomcat instance every time it is started. Read On →

Enabling Syntax Highlighting in Blogger

This evening I wanted to put a little effort into enabling syntax highlighting for code in my posts here on Blogger. The process started innocently enough, but there were a few trip ups along the way, so I decided to share them here. I chose to use syntaxhighlighter, which is hosted on Google Code. It is an all JavaScript solution to syntax highlighting that seems to play nicely with Blogger. Read On →